दुग्धिका - Euphorbia hirta
Name - दुग्धिका
Botanical name - Euphorbia hirta
Description - An annual herb ascending or erect up to 50 cm high; stems round, covered with yellowish hairs. Leaves elliptic, oblique, hairy. opposite pairs, small, up to about 4 cm long, dark green on upper side, pale on lower side, margins faintly toothed. Flowers whitish minute, in small, axillary, stalked clusters, fruit small 1 - 2 mm diameter, hairy; seeds 3-angled, wrinkled, light reddish brown-- Cyathia in capitate cymes.
Chemical Constituents- Plant contains leucocyanidol, quercitol, camphol, quercitrin. Aerial parts contain cycloarteno Beta-sitosterol , euphorbol, tinyatoxin. Plant contains alkaloid, xanthorhamnin, quercetin, triacontane, jambulol, a phytosterol, terpenes, anthocyanins, steroids and phytosterolin. Leaves contain tannin euphorbin E, euphorbin C.
Use - Euphorbia causes relaxation of bronchioles, has a depressant action on heart and respiration. It is useful removing worms in children, in bowel complaints, and cough. The plant promotes formation and flow of milk in women; it is also useful in gonorrhoea and other genital complaints. The roots of the plant stop vomiting. Large doses of the drug, however, cause irritation in stomach and result in vomiting and nausea. The milky juice of the plant is applied on warts the antibacterial and anti-tubercular activity of the plant shown experimentally. Used as an ingredient in preparations for cough and asthma; also used in colic, dysentery and diseases of genito-urinary tract. Latex applied to warts. Chemical constituents :