ग्राम्या - Ocimum sanctum


Name - तुलसी

Botanical name - Ocimum sanctum

Description - This is well known sacred plant of the Indians. It is a much branched erect herb, up to about 75 cm high, hairy allover. Leaves opposite, about 5 cm long, margins entire or toothed, hairy on upper as well as lower surface, dotted with minute glands, aromatic. Flowers small, purplish or reddish, n small compact clusters on slender spikes. Nutlets broadly ellipsoid, nearly smooth, yellow with black markings

Chemical Constituents- It contains essential oil with eugenol, carvacrol, methyl eugenol and caryophyllone.

Use - The leaves and seeds of the plant are medicinal. The oil obtained from the leaves has property of destroying bacteria and insects. The juice or infusion of the leaves is useful in bronchitis, catarrh, digestive complaints; it is applied locally on ringworm and other skin diseases; it is dropped in ears to relieve earache. A decoction of leaves is used in Indian homes to cure common colds. Seeds are useful in complaints of urinary system. Decoction of root is given in malarial fever to bring about sweating.

Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants/Herbs mainly using in Ayurveda with good quality pictures and information like therapeutic usage of Medicinal Plants, cultivation, morphology, habitat, flower characters, Chemical content, parts used, research works etc.

medicinal plants