Coffea arabica Linn.



Family Rubiaceae.

Coffea arabica.JPG

Habitat Grown in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala.

English Arabian coffee.

Unani Kahvaa.

Siddha/Tamil Kaapi, Bannu.

Action Diuretic, antinarcotic, psychotropic agent, direct heart stimulant (raises blood pressure). Neutralizes therapeutic effects of many herbs; potentiates the action of aspirin and paracetamol; depletes the body of B-vitamins. Charcoal of the outer seed parts—astringent, absorbent.

Key application Powdered coffee charcoal—in nonspecific, acute

diarrhoea; local therapy of mild

inflammation of oral and pharyngeal

mucosa (average daily dose 9 g). (German Commission E.)

According to WHO, coffee drinking is not responsible for breast cancer and may protect against cancer of colon and rectum. Caffeic and chlorogenic acids in coffee act as anticarcinogens.

Bronchial asthma is less frequent among coffee drinkers due to caffeine and theophylline.

The aroma components include several furfuryl methyl mercaptan derivatives. Coffee extracts yielded organic acids. Atractyloside, several sterols and acids, as well as alkaloids, have been reported. Caffeine is the major alkaloid of coffee. One cup of coffee contains approx. 60—120mg caffeine; other active constituents include chlorogenic acid, caffeol and diterpenes.

Chlorogenic acid in coffee might inhibit glucose-6-phosphatase, which might lower hepatic glucose production caffeine seems to stimulate pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin.


Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

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