Holostemma annularis (Roxb.) K. Schum.
Synonym H. ada-kodien Schult. H. rheedii Wall.
Asclepias annularis Roxb.
Family Asclepiadaceae.
Habitat Tropical Himalayas and Western Peninsula. Cultivated in
Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu.
Ayurvedic Ark-pushpi.
Siddha/Tamil Palay-keerai.
Action Roots—used in orchitis, spermatorrhoea, also as laxative. Roots are used as Jivanti in Kerala
The tubers contain protein (5.5— 10%). It gave alpha-amyrin, lupeol and beta-sitosterol. Aspartic acid, glycine, serine, threonine and valine were detected chromatographically.
The bark gave alpha-amyrin, lupeol and beta-sitosterol.