It is a common misconception among the public that

Ayurvedic medicines are safe and devoid of adverse reaction.

More than 70% of the total sales of Ayurvedic drugs are

over-the-counter (OTC), thus leading to the use of Ayurvedic

medicines without prescription, guidance and oversight

of Ayurvedic physicians.

Many poisonous plants like

Ahiphena (Papaver somniferoum Linn.), Bhanga (Cannabis

sativa Linn.),  Dhattur (Dhatura metel Linn.),  Karavira

(Nerium indicum Mill.),  Kupilu (Strychnos nuxvomica

Linn.f.),  Langali  (Gloriosa superba Linn.),  Vatsanabha

(Aconitum ferox Wall.),  Jayapal  (Croton tiglium Linn.),

etc. have been used in Ayurveda medicine.

According to

Ayurveda, “even a strong poison can become an excellent

medicine if administrated properly; on the other hand, even

the most useful medicine can act like a poison if handled


Unexpected adverse reactions can occur due

to accidental use of a poisonous herb/medicine/decoction by

the patient, misidentification of herbs so that a toxic herb is

mistaken to be a harmless variety, improper purification of

the poisonous ingredients, overdose, irrational prescription,

self-medication and drug interaction with allopathic drugs.

Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants/Herbs mainly using in Ayurveda with good quality pictures and information like therapeutic usage of Medicinal Plants, cultivation, morphology, habitat, flower characters, Chemical content, parts used, research works etc.

medicinal plants