Latin:Randia dumentorium Lam.
Family: Rubiaceae

Vernacular names: Sanskrit - Madana; Hindi - Mainphal; English - Emetic nut; Unani - Mainphala; Bengali - Menphal; Punjabi - Mindukolla; Gujarati - Mindhala; Tamil - Marakalam; Tibetan - Po-san-cha; German - Chelafruchte; Japanese - Harizakuro; Chinese - Gang tu hu.
Part Used: fruit, fruit rind, bark
Ayurvedic Energetics: Rasa: sweet, pungent, bitter, astringentVeerya: heatingVipaka: pungent Gunas: light, dry
Doshas: KV-; P+
Pharmacological Action of medicinal plants Randia : fruit and rind are emetic, diaphoretic, and antispasmodic; bark is sedative and nervine calmative.
Clinical Research
on medicinal plants Randia: The fruit has been found to contain saponins in both the pericarp and the pulp. The powdered pulp has been found to produce predictable emesis when given with cool water in doses of 3-5 grams; smaller doses are effective as an expectorant.
Traditional Uses: Madana is regarded as the best medicine for inducing emesis because it is fast-acting and free from complications; it is used in panchakarma (detoxification treatments) for this purpose. It is also used to treat asthma, bronchitis, epilepsy, and fever. Externally it is applied as a paste to abscesses and aching bones during febrile episodes. As an expectorant it is sometimes mixed with the root bark of Calotropis gigantea (Alarka) and root of Glycyrrhiza glabra (Yastimadhu, licorice root) and given in 500-750 mg doses. Thebark is astringent and used in diarrhea.
Indications: to induce emesis, as an expectorant in asthma and bronchitis; bark: mild sedative
Formulations and Dosage:powdered fruit (for emesis) : 3-5 grams (for expectoration) : 500-750 mg bidbark decoction : 2-4 oz. bidroot infusion : 2-4 oz bid

Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants/Herbs mainly using in Ayurveda with good quality pictures and information like therapeutic usage of Medicinal Plants, cultivation, morphology, habitat, flower characters, Chemical content, parts used, research works etc.

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