Cassia occidentalis Linn.
Family :- Calsalpiniaceae.
Habitat :- Throughout India, up to an altitude of 1,200 m.
English :- Coffee Senna, Foetid
Cassia, Negro Coffee.
Ayurvedic :- Kaasamarda, Kaasaari.
Unani :- Kasondi.
Siddha/Tamil :- Paeyaavarai, Thagarai.
Folk :- Kasondi (bigger var.).
Action :- Purgative, diuretic, febrifugal, expectorant, stomachic.
Leaves—used internally and externally in scabies, ringworm and
other skin diseases. A hot decoction ringworm and other skin diseases
(bark may cause dermatitis); used for bronchitis and asthma.
A paste of leaves is used for treating piles. An infusion of fresh leaves,
with sugar, is given in jaundice. Plant is spasmolytic. Alcoholic extract of
leaves is intestinal and bronchial muscle relaxant. The leaves contain a flavone glycoside and sennoside. Root bark contains anthraquinones, chrysophanol, physcion and beta-sitosterol.
Heartwood gave isomeric derivatives, 1,2, 7-trihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone, along with sopheranin, beta-sitosterol, chrysophanol, physcion, emodin, 1- octadecanol and quercetin.