Botanical Name: Hedychium coronarium Koenig
Family: Zingiberaceae
It is using in folk medicine as anthelmintic and mild tranquilizer. Some people considered this plant as ‘sathi’
Names in different Indian languages
English |
Ginger Lily, butterfly lily |
Hindi |
Kannada |
Malayalam |
Kalyana sowgandhikam |
Sanskrit |
Tamil |
Telugu |
Unani |
Folk |
Hedychium flavescens sensu Matthew
Classification according to Charaka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Charaka |
Susrutha |
Vagbhata |
Leaves – similar to ginger plant
Flower – white
Distribution & Habitat
South India
Chemical constituents:
furanoditerpene, hedychenone, alpha- and beta-pinene, limonene, carene, linalool and elemole
Karma -
Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, febrifuge, tranquilizer.
Swelling, oedema, gout
Part used:
Therapeutic Uses:
- paste of rhizome useful in gout , external application