Adiantum lunulatum Burm.
Synonym A. philippense Linn.
Family b Adiantaceae.
Habitat ø Throughout the greater part of India, up to an altitude of 1,200 m.
English Walking Maidenhair Fern. Black Maidenhair (A. venustum G. Don is also known as Hansaraaja.)
Ayu rved ic Hansapadi, Hansapaadi, Raktapaadi, Kitamaataa, Tnpaadikaa, Hansaraaja; a substitute for Taamrachuda-paadikaa.
Siddha/Tamil Seruppadai. Folk Raajhans, Mubaaraka.
Action Febrifugal, antidysenteric, soothing agent in erysipelas. The rhizome is also prescribed for strangury, atrophy, emaciation or cachexy, muscular pain; emetic in large doses.
Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicates the use of the dried whole plant in psychosis-related fear. (It is one of the ingredients of the classical drug Maanasamitra Vataka, prescribed for mental disorders.)
The chemical constituents are chlorophyll-degradation products and higher carotenoids.
Dosage Whole plant—1-3 g (API Vol. III.)